Creating length and stability
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How can we help our students escape their specific patterns of shortening or locking themselves and move with more ease and comfort? How can we help our students to improve their transmission of force and thereby be more connected to experiencing a newly found length? These are important questions that Paul Newton will help us answer in this 2-day Feldenkrais workshop and advanced training.
On the first day of the workshop we will mainly work with ATM and the seminar will be open for the public. In other words: Anybody can participate.
The second day will be exclusively for practitioners and students of the Feldenkrais Method who are in the 4th year of their training and we will work with Functional Integration.
The workshop and advanced training are taught by Paul Newton, Feldenkrais trainer and psychologist. Paul has several decades of experience in teaching the Feldenkrais Method and he is the Educational Director of the Feldenkrais Professional Training Program STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL 1, that will start in March 2019.
Please note: If you know people who might be interested in joining the Feldenkrais Professional training in Stockholm, we’d appreciate it very much if you let them know about the public workshop with Paul on October 6th. We also hope that many Swedish practitioners will find the time to come and visit the training as guests. Please see our guest policy here.