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Somatics for Architecture and Landscape
com Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez
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“Somatics for Architecture and Landscape” is as a recognized Qualification Course offered by the San Pablo C.E.U University in Madrid. It is the first Qualification Course of its kind being developed in Spain. Its main point of innovation is the extensive use of embodied cognition, mainly through ATM lessons of the Feldenkrais Method, combined with different theoretical lectures, debates, and open-air sessions within the landscape.
It is a multidisciplinary approach to Architecture and Landscape, where you are introduced to the relationships between body and space, neuroscience, perception and movement, imagination and their intertwining with philosophy, ecology and biology.
Learning happens double fold: on one hand, there is the learning associated with the issues studied within the program and on the other hand, there is the learning as an embodied experience. Both are strongly interrelated.

This Qualification Course comes as a collaboration agreement with the Feldenkrais Institute and is offered by the Faculty of Architecture of the Institute of Technology (E.P.S) of the San Pablo C.E.U University.
The course is specially oriented towards students and professionals of Architecture and Landscape BUT is equally open to students and professionals of Arts (Fine, Scenic or Performing Arts), cultural studies, somatic or dance disciplines, or simply whoever is curious and interested in this approach. Multidisciplinarity is totally welcome!
The program has a duration of one academic year and consists of two hours per week (Wednesday 18:30-20:30). Special sessions will be included, some of them within the landscape and some others will be workshops with guests like Malcolm Manning, Jaime Polanco, Chus Jiménez, Ana Mombiedro, Chiqui Pérez Gutierrez or Mariano Molina… There will also be international surprises which we will be announcing along the way. The direction of the program and most of the sessions are held by Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez.
The Qualification Course gives 6 ECTS credits.
For more information and registration please write to the director of the Program:
Mª Auxiliadora Gálvez ( and refer to her website for additional information.
TOTAL COST: 400€ (350€ if you are already a student of the E.P.S San Pablo C.E.U University)