
Sobre esta localização

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ccap is a non-profit organization for production and distribution of choreography under the leadership of Cristina Caprioli. ccap works with transdisciplinary art projects and social activities through performances, installations, publications, workshops etc. Since 2010, ccap is based in the working space at Körsbärsvägen in Stockholm.

For the Feldenkrais training we will be using ccap’s large dance studio and for our breaks we are invited to their common area, foyer and tea kitchen. The surrounding neighborhood offers a large variety of restaurants and there are several parks nearby that offer the opportunity to take walks outside or to have lunch outside during our summer segments.


Körsbärsvägen 9
114 23 Stockholm

The entrance to the studio is at the little parking lot at the foot of the building


Possíveis alojamentos que podem ser usados durante o seminário ou a formação. Se precisar de mais ajuda, entre em contacto connosco.

Best Western Hotel Karlaplan

Skeppargatan 78-84
114 59 Stockholm

Pensionat Oden Vasastan AB

Odengatan 38
113 22 Stockholm

Birka Hostel

Luntmakargatan 14
111 37 Stockholm

Hotel Stureparken

Sturegatan 58
114 36 Stockholm
Tel. (+46) 86627230

Outras recomendações


As informações fornecidas aqui podem não estar atualizadas. Entre em contacto diretamente com o hotel em questão.
Também o incentivamos a ajudar os seus companheiros, proporcionando espaço se o tiver, ou se souber de pessoas que oferecem quartos privados. Obrigado!